VFTK Site Update

After several months of apparent inactivity in the kitchen, I have finally upgraded the site with my new theme (design). Yay! 😀 Expect new posts to appear a little more regularly.

For those of you who would not be appreciative of the technical details, it mainly means that I can now post larger images. The first example of this is the Craignethan Castle post.

Previously, I had decided to limit images to a maximum size of 700 pixels on any side (landscape or portrait). However, I grew increasingly dissatisfied with that and wanted to be able to post larger images. Unfortunately, the design of the previous theme I used would have caused problems for visitors with a smaller screen (or a laptop). This design should lift that restriction for the same size of screen, allowing images up to 1000 pixels wide.

The new theme was created from the theme “Default” which ships with WordPress. I have modified the basic HTML and PHP of the theme as required, but the CSS is written totally from scratch. (I’d probably not have undertaken this project if I hadn’t bought a copy of the award winning CSSEdit. It made the task a whole lot easier than doing it by hand!)

The theme still has some small flaws which need to be addressed. If I was to keep working away at it, I’d always be finding something new to add, or something that needed fixing – I’d never get it finished. So I decided to go with it as it stands now as I’m confident that it’s good enoughperfect is the enemy of good enough. I’ve already begun making a list of improvements and things that need fixing and will probably save up a batch of them to sort later on (unless I find anything serious). For now though, it’s back to the photographs.

If you have any comments or questions about the theme, or spot anything that you think needs fixing, please feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of this page…

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